Ride of the Valkyrie – Central City and Blackhawk – S5 E20

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I’m of the live and let live mind. I don’t care what you do so long as, you don’t hurt me or anyone else. If you want to smoke pot, go for it. If you want to gamble, go for it. I voted in favor of these two things when they came up on the ballot. In hindsight, I would have not voted for either one. Colorado and Washington were the first two states to legalize weed. It attracted an element of society that was less than desirable. If I would have known the casinos were going to be 34 floors tall in the middle of this little mountain town, I would not have voted for it. My cousin lives in Blackhawk and I know the tax revenues are appreciated in Gilpin County. I don’t know how he feels about it. For the government It’s always about the money… always. Colorado enjoys the tax revenues on both weed and gambling. I don’t see it myself.